Acupuncture for a Painless Period – Did you know that in an ideal world, you would have minimal PMS symptoms or discomfort during your period?
A balanced monthly cycle should come without big warning signs like a migraine or bad cramps to remind you that your period is approaching.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture, an easy, painless period is the goal.
In biomedicine, it’s assumed that your period will be uncomfortable.
If you have abdominal cramping, mood swings, changes in digestion, fatigue, etc., these symptoms are considered somewhat “expected.” Yes, some people suffer more than others, but it is what it is.
Well, I disagree.
>> Just because something in COMMON does not make it NORMAL.
Let’s view the period through the lens of acupuncture and TCM:
One of the big concepts in TCM is Qi, which translates (very roughly) into life force or energy. It is the force that causes all movement and change in the world and in the body.
Whenever there’s a transition, there’s a Qi requirement – an amount of “energy” needed to move from one phase to the next. But Qi can get “stuck” or be insufficient to make the transition, which causes symptoms and discomfort.
In the menstrual cycle, there is the follicular phase (days 1-14) and the luteal phase (days 15-28). To transition from the follicular to the luteal phase (ovulation) requires Qi. And to transition from the luteal back to the follicular phase (moving through the period), also requires Qi – perhaps even an extra little boost to get through the period.
So the period is a cycle fraught with transitions, constantly requiring Qi to move from one phase to the next. There are plenty of opportunities for stagnation and symptoms to arise.
Which means the goal of acupuncture is to help the body move smoothly from one phase to the next.
>> And when this smooth movement occurs, symptoms should be minimal.
How does acupuncture help the menstrual cycle flow smoothly from one phase to the next?
- – Regulating hormones (you guessed it!) like estrogen, progesterone, androgens, etc.
- – Improving blood flow to organs like the ovaries and uterus, which provides more oxygen and nutrients that they need to function optimally
- – Reducing muscle contractions (for example, of the uterus, aka period cramps)
- – Helping provide optimal growing environment for follicles and their eggs
There is hope for a more normal period!
If you’re ready to try acupuncture for a painless period, click below to make an appointment.
We’d love to help you!
Seneca Falls Acupuncture
(607) 216-8112 | info@senecafallsacupuncture.com
Proudly serving Seneca Falls, Waterloo, Auburn, Skaneateles, Canandaigua, Geneva, and the greater Finger Lakes region since 2019.