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Celluma Light Therapy: Reduce Wrinkles and Acne

Upgrade your cosmetic acupuncture treatments with the Celluma add-on.

Celluma LED Light Therapy is FDA Cleared for Wrinkles and Acne.

Backed by research, Celluma is a comfortable, non-invasive and safe add-on that is based on technology originally developed by NASA to help keep astronauts’ cells in optimal health in non-gravity situations. 

Today it’s used to enhance cellular healing and protein (collagen & elastin) production in the skin, as well as to reduce P. acnes bacteria on the skin surface to help clear up acne.

What is Celluma Light Therapy?

Celluma is an FDA-cleared light energy device that uses light emitting diode (LED) technology. 

Light therapy is known for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties and has a variety of applications across many medical fields.

Light at specific wavelengths is absorbed and impacts our skin in different ways:

– Red light has been shown to affect the dermis, helping reduce wrinkles. 

– Blue light affects the surface of the skin, killing P. acnes bacteria to help reduce acne.

Celluma has settings for red and blue wavelengths and can be used for wrinkles, acne, or both.

How Does it Work?

Light, which is a form of energy, is applied to tissue (the skin). 

This energy is absorbed by mitochondria (the energy centers of the cell) and cell membranes. 

The energy is then used for a variety of cellular processes, such as synthesizing DNA, RNA, proteins (including collagen and elastin), enzymes, and other products needed to repair or regenerate cell components.

This means improved cellular performance and cellular repair.

In terms of the skin, it means helping speed up the process of repairing damaged collagen and creating new collagen, to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Read the research here.

Research has shown that low level light therapy can:

FAQ: Is the light from Celluma the same as the light from the sun (UVA/UVB rays)?

Great question. No. Celluma emits light in the “visible” range, whereas UVA and UVB rays are in the “ultraviolet” range. These are two separate categories of light, with very different impacts on the skin.

It’s well established that UVA and UVB rays from the sun cause skin damage and speed skin aging through collagen breakdown. UVA and UVB rays also have the potential to cause skin discoloration and skin cancer. This is why most people ask this question!

However, the Celluma light uses specific wavelengths in the “visible” light spectrum at 640 nm and 465 nm.

Light rays at these specific wavelengths have a totally different function in the skin than UVA/UVB light. Light at 640 nm helps speed cellular healing and increases production of collagen and elastin. And light at 465 nm kills the bacteria that cause acne on the surface of the skin.

Celluma Pricing:

Add the Celluma onto any cosmetic acupuncture treatment for $25:

  • •  Cosmetic acupuncture ($90) plus Celluma ($25) = $115
  • •  Acupuncture Glow Facial ($115) plus Celluma ($25) = $140

Celluma Only Treatments (No Acupuncture):

  • •  Single Celluma-Only Treatment = $50 (40 minutes)
  • •  Celluma-Only Package of 10 Treatments (Recommended) = $45/treatment (total $450, savings $50)

The results of the Celluma are cumulative, just like cosmetic acupuncture, so we always recommend using the Celluma in a series of treatments, either with cosmetic acupuncture or by itself.

The general recommendation is twice a week for 5 to 6 weeks, for a total of 10-12 treatments.

Celluma Before and After Photos

Before and after photos of cosmetic acupuncture and Celluma treatments with improved skin tone and texture.

Before and After:  1 cosmetic acupuncture and Celluma session per week for 10 weeks.

Before and after Celluma LED Light therapy at Seneca Falls Acupuncture showing reduced wrinkles and lines in the chin.

Before and After:  2 Celluma sessions per week for 5 weeks.

Before and after photos of significantly reduced cystic acne after using Celluma LED Light therapy.

Before and After:  2 Celluma sessions per week for 8 weeks.

Why Add the Celluma to Your Cosmetic Acupuncture Treatments for Wrinkles?

The goal of cosmetic acupuncture is to create tiny microtraumas in the skin, which the body naturally responds to by sending proteins (like collagen and elastin) and other molecules to repair the area. This increase in collagen and elastin can help reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

The purpose of the Celluma is to make the cells more efficient at that healing process – to stimulate fibroblasts in the skin to make more collagen and elastin, faster, to enhance the results of your cosmetic treatments.

The acupuncture creates “microtraumas” in the skin, and the Celluma helps the body respond faster and more efficiently. 

So the goal of combining the two is faster, better results!

How Do the Celluma and Cosmetic Acupuncture Work Together to Heal Acne?

For acne, the Celluma uses blue light at the wavelength 465 nm. This is different from the blue light that comes from your computer screen, by the way. This wavelength of light specifically kills P. acnes bacteria in the superficial levels of the skin, allowing the skin to heal from acne.

The Celluma and cosmetic acupuncture work synergistically to speed the process of clearing up acne and to prevent flare ups. 

While the Celluma blue light setting kills P. acnes bacteria on the surface of the skin, acupuncture helps balance the body’s internal systems to reduce inflammation and restore hormonal balance, both of which typically contribute to acne. 

In addition, cosmetic acupuncture helps increase circulation in the skin. Increased blood circulation means more oxygen and nutrients to help the skin heal faster from acne.

Ready to Get Started with Celluma and Cosmetic Acupuncture?

In this 30-minute consult, we’ll discuss your skincare goals, answer your questions about Celluma and cosmetic acupuncture, and what to expect from treatments.

Whether you’re interested in cosmetic acupuncture + Celluma, or one modality by itself, we recommend multiple treatments for most effectiveness. Each treatment is customized to your body’s specific needs and your skincare goals.

The goal of cosmetic acupuncture is to help balance the body and improve skin health from the inside out, and Celluma helps speed up that process and your results. Get glowing, healthy skin, plus softened fine lines and wrinkles, naturally!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Please arrive at the office with clean skin, aka, no makeup. Mascara is fine. It’s important that the skin is clean and free of anything else that may deflect light away from the skin. For maximum benefit, skin should also be dry.

Many makeup formulas contain minerals that may deflect light. For best results, it’s important to have clean, dry skin before using the Celluma, so that as much light can be absorbed as possible.

Celluma should not be used on:

  • •  Children under 12 (no research)
  • •  Those with epilepsy or a history of seizures
  • •  Those taking cortisone injections or other steroid injections
  • •  Those using photosensitive drugs
  • •  Over the breast or stomach of a breast-feeding or pregnant person

No. Celluma emits light in the “visible” range, whereas UVA and UVB rays are in the “ultraviolet” range. It is two different categories of light, with very different impacts on the skin.

It’s well established that UVA and UVB rays from the sun cause skin damage and speed skin aging through collagen breakdown. UVA and UVB rays also have the potential to cause skin discoloration and skin cancer. 

However, the Celluma light uses specific wavelengths in the “visible” light category (640 nm and 465 nm) that impact the different levels of the skin.

Light rays at these specific wavelengths have a different function in the skin than UVA/UVB light.

Light at 640 nm helps speed cellular healing and increases production of collagen and elastin. And light at 465 nm kills the bacteria that cause acne on the surface of the skin.

The goal of cosmetic acupuncture is to create tiny microtraumas in the skin, which the body naturally responds to by sending proteins (like collagen and elastin) and other molecules to repair the area. This increase in collagen and elastin can help reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

The purpose of the Celluma is to make the cells more efficient at that healing process – to stimulate fibroblasts in the skin to make more collagen and elastin, faster, to enhance the results of your cosmetic treatments.

The acupuncture creates “microtraumas” in the skin, and the Celluma helps the body respond faster and more efficiently. 

So the goal of combining the two is faster, better results!

For acne, the Celluma uses blue light at the wavelength 465 nm. This is different from the blue light that comes from your computer screen, by the way. This wavelength of light specifically kills P. acnes bacteria in the superficial levels of the skin, allowing the skin to heal from acne.

They work synergistically to speed the process of clearing up acne and preventing flare ups. 

The Celluma blue light setting kills P. acnes bacteria on the surface of the skin, and acupuncture helps balance the body’s internal systems to reduce inflammation and restore hormonal balance, both of which often contribute to acne. 

In addition, cosmetic acupuncture helps increase circulation in the skin. Increased blood circulation means more oxygen and nutrients to help the skin heal faster from acne.