Earlier this week, on Valentine’s Day, Melody and I had the incredible opportunity to appear live on the FLX Weekly Broadcast!
We had a blast in studio. You can watch the replay here.
I demonstrated a cosmetic acupuncture treatment on lovely patient Ashley while Melody answered questions.
We talked about:
✔️ How cosmetic acupuncture is different from Botox
✔️ How cosmetic acupuncture is different from regular acupuncture (and what they have in common)
✔️ What’s gua sha facial massage and it benefits the skin
✔️ How the Celluma LED red light works for collagen boosting and treating acne
✔️ How many treatments are needed for cosmetic acupuncture
✔️ And much more
I hope we answered all of your questions! If you have others, please feel free to call (607) 216-8112 or email us at info@senecafallsacupuncture.com. We’re more than happy to chat with you.
And we hope you feel excited to try cosmetic acupuncture after seeing it live! 💞
Many thanks to FingerLakes1.com for having us on the show.
>> Click here to watch the replay.
Seneca Falls Acupuncture
(607) 216-8112 | info@senecafallsacupuncture.com
Proudly serving Seneca Falls, Waterloo, Auburn, Skaneateles, Canandaigua, Geneva, and the greater Finger Lakes region since 2019.